P.O. Box 5136
Fairlawn, OH 44333
ARTICLE I — Meetings
Section 1 – Fiscal Year. The fiscal year shall begin the first day of October and continue for the ensuing year from that date. The annual meeting of the members of this club shall be held between the 1st and 30th days of October each year, on a day, hour, and at a place determined by the Board of Trustees designated by giving proper notice thereof.
Section 2- Special Meeting. Upon the written request of 20 members, or of the majority of the Board of Trustees, the Secretary shall call a special meeting of the Club. The request, and also the notice for such special meeting, shall state the nature or object of such meeting and no business shall be transacted except as specified therein.
Section 3 – Notice of Meetings. Notice of all meetings of the Club should be made in the same manner as the majority of contacts are made to each member by the Secretary at least one week prior to the date of said meeting.
Section 4 – Quorum. Twenty-five members present in person shall constitute a quorum for transaction of any business at any called meeting at the Club.
ARTICLE II — Trustees
Section 1 – Powers. The Board of Trustees shall have full charge of the affairs, funds, property, management and control of the Club, subject only to the action of the members. Consistent with these regulations it may adopt by-laws or rules, and enforce the same, governing the use of the property and privileges of the Club. The decision of the Board of Trustees on any question concerning interpretation of these regulations shall be final.
Section 2 – Election. The election of the trustees shall be held at the regular annual meeting of members and a majority vote of the members present or represented by written proxies shall be necessary for election. Any vacancies occurring in the Board can be filled by a new trustee whom the current Board will select. The new trustee shall be voted to fulfill the remaining term at the next annual meeting. If that term expires at the next annual meeting, the appointed trustee shall have the option to run again.
Section 3 – Number of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall consist of nine (9) members. At the first annual meeting two (2) members shall be elected to serve one (1) year, two (2) members to serve two (2) years, and three (3) members to serve three (3) years. Annually thereafter sufficient trustees shall be elected for a term of three (3) years to fill the vacancies created by retiring trustees.
Section 4 – Meetings. The Board of Trustees shall hold regular meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President or by any two (2) trustees. Notice of any regular or special meeting shall be given to each member at least three (3) days prior to the holding of such meeting. Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Trustees at all meetings thereof.
Section 5 – Non-Performing Officer. The Board of Trustees can, if it is deemed necessary, remove an elected member of the Board by a majority vote, for non-performance. Non-performance will be evaluated by fellow Trustees. Not attending monthly trustee meetings or failing to perform their designated position on the Board is grounds for non-performance. If a Trustee is removed from office a new Trustee can be appointed per section 2 of this article.
Section 6 – Board of Trustee Resignation. A Board of Trustees member may resign at any time. Upon resignation, a special election will be held to fill the vacated position. All members who express an interest, in the time period allotted, will be included on the ballot. The candidate receiving the most votes will join the Board of Trustees for the duration of the resigned member’s term.
ARTICLE III — Officers
Section 1 – Officers. Immediately following the annual membership meeting, the Trustees shall meet, organize, and elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be elected for one (1) year or until their successors are elected and qualify. The President and Vice-President must be members of the Board of Trustees; the Secretary and Treasurer need not be Trustees.
Section 2 – Duties. The duties of the officers shall be such as generally pertain thereto, and they shall be subject to the direction and control of the Board of Trustees. The President of the Club shall also be Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Duly elected officers shall perform there like duties for the Board of Trustees.
ARTICLE IV — Committees
Section 1 – Committees.Committees may be formed at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. The President, with approval of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint the members of such committees; however, the Chairman of each committee shall be a member of the Board of Trustees. Committees may be disbanded at any time with an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of trustees present at any regular meeting.
ARTICLE V — Membership
Section 1 – Classification. Membership shall consist of three classes: Senior Members as defined in Section 7 below, Single Members, and Regular Members. Regular Members are limited to 290 unless otherwise provided by the Board of Trustees. Persons who shall qualify as otherwise provided herein, are eligible to membership. The membership of any person extends the privileges of the Club to all persons residing, permanently or temporarily, in the member’s home regardless of relationship. The Club reserves the right to request documentation supporting residency status. Additionally, childcare providers who do not reside in the member’s home are included in the membership during the hours they are caring for children included in a membership. All residents of a member’s household and childcare providers must be specifically named on a membership for admittance to the Club.
Section 2 – Qualification. Any person, married or single, 18 years of age or older, meeting requirements as provided herein who has been approved by the Membership Committee of the Club, may be elected by majority vote of the Board of Trustees present in meeting. Application for membership must be made in writing and filed with the Membership Chairperson.
Section 3 – Admission. In addition to the yearly dues, each new member will be charged an initiation fee. This fee is set by the Board and evaluated yearly. The initiation fee may be split over two years. This fee, along with the yearly dues, must be paid in full by the second year in order to become a “member in good standing.” Failure to pay the entire initiation fee within the first two years will result in a loss of membership. Your membership in the club is valid as long as your dues are paid in full for each year. By doing so, you are deemed a “member in good standing” for that year.
Section 4- Resignations. All resignations must be presented in writing to the The Board of Trustees.
Section 5 – Inactive Members If any member is not able to use the Clubs facilities but wishes to continue membership in the club, he may do so upon notifying the Board of Trustees in writing before the 1st day of March of any year in which he desirous of becoming and inactive member, and
paying the greater of inactive dues as established in Article VI, Section 1 or any current assessment.
Section 6-Senior Members. Members who have participated by paying full dues for twenty or more years, excluding any years under Section 6 of this Article, shall be designated Senior Members and shall be subject to reduced dues as established in Article VI, Section 1.
Section 7-Refunds. Membership dues are non-refundable.
Section 1 -Dues. The amount of dues to be paid for any year by each member shall be set, upon recommendation of the Board of Trustees, by action of the members at the annual meeting of the Club.
ARTICLE VII — Delinquencies
Section 1 – Dues. Annual dues shall be due and payable on or before April 1st of each year. If full payment is not received by April 15, the member will forfeit his/her membership status for the year. Should the member wish to reestablish membership at the Club, the member will need to reapply. Current year invoices will be sent out electronically by email and or other electronic means used by the Club by January 15th.
Section 1. Guest Policy. A host member must pre-register and pay the then- current guest fee (as established by the Board of Trustee) for all guests prior to entering the Club. provided however, that individuals meeting both of the following criteria will be permitted access to the Club, free of charge:
- Those residing outside of Summit County and the immediately adjacent counties (Medina, Cuyahoga, Stark, Portage, Geauga, and Wayne Counties); and
- Those who are overnight guests in the Member’s home.
Free guest access is not available on federally recognized holidays (e.g., Memorial Day, Independence Day, Juneteenth, and Labor Day).
Members who wish to take advantage of the free guest access provided in this Section must notify Club management at least 24 hours, in advance.
At no time shall a guest be present at the Club without his/her host Member.
Guest fees are non-refundable.
Abuse of this Guest Policy may subject the Member to disciplinary action – at the sole discretion of the Board of Trustee – including revocation of membership status.
ARTICLE IX — Discipline
Section 1. If the conduct of any member or his family shall appear to be in willful violation of the rules and regulations of the Club, or prejudicial to the interests of the Club, the Board of Trustees, may, by the affirmative vote of 3/4 of the entire Board, suspend or expel such member. The member shall be given the opportunity to be heard before the Board in defense.
ARTICLE X — Ownership and Equity
Section 1. The holders of the Certificates of Membership or members, who are deemed “members in good standing” per Article 5 Section 3, are the owners of the Club property and all assets of the Club. All rights of a member in the Corporation or its property shall cease upon the termination of his membership. In the event of dissolution of the Club, all assets will be converted into cash and after payment of all debts, including bonded indebtedness, the funds, if any, will (1) be divided on a pro-rate basis among the holders of the Certificates of Membership and if and when each holder has been paid a total of one hundred dollars ($100), then (2) the remaining cash will be divided among the members who have, maintained continuous active membership for five (5) years.
ARTICLE XI — Amendments or Repeals
Section 1. This Code of Regulations may be amended or repealed by a 3/4 vote of those members present or represented by written proxy at an annual meeting of the Club or a special meeting called for that purpose.
ARTICLE XII — Order of Business
Section 1. The order of business at all meetings, both of members and of trustees, shall be:
- Reading of minutes.
- Report of officers.
- Report of Committees.
- Election
- New or miscellaneous business.
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Adopted: April 1956.
Amended: April 1957; April 1958; March 1960; March 1962; March 1973; March 1976;
April 12, 1979; January 18, 1980; January 12, 1981; January 18, 1982; January 15,1985;
January 2001; January 2002; August 2003; October 2011; October 2015; October 2016